Tuesday 1 November 2011

Monday - tied balls

I was meant to update my journal yesterday evening but had some wifi issues which thankfully have been resolved.

Yesterday was my 1st day off work and i was expecting a new task to be set but it didn't arrive ( i now know my Mistress has been unwell and i hope she is feeling much better soon) so i focussed again on my regular tasks. I was not looking forward to completing my edges at night as i had been set additional task to bind my balls like the picture in her profile. I was able to get away and buy the required cord and while in store also purchased the other items i had been instructed to which was some clothes pegs.

I realised while I was out I was nearly out of lip balm so I popped into my local store and bought one to make sure I am never without it.

Later during the evening I was able to prepare to do my edges, I took out the cord and tried to bind my balls as instructed by Mistress, I think I did not too bad a job ( I emailed a picture to Mistress) although I have feedback from my Mistress with some constructive criticism and I will be working hard to improve,. I have also tried placing some pegs on various parts of my body, just one or two to start with and it is amazing how much it feels different between the different areas, how much flesh you put into the viscous little teeth. Also I only left them on for 10 minutes but the pain when they are removed, when the blood rushes back is quite intense.

While edging with your balls bound,  I felt it was much more intense and harder to know when to stop, the balls and cock became much more sensitive to touch  and in my mind the level of frustration was much higher.


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